Opening-Public Event

Opening event | Open to all

The opening event of ESGI146 will take place at the University of Cyprus (University House “Anastasios Leventis”, Room B108) on the 3rd of December, starting at 9.30am (registration at 9am).  This will be a public event in which academics, companies, non-profit organisations and governmental representatives will participate.

The first part (9.30-11) will contain “pop” talks by international experts in Applied Mathematics, suitable for the public. A networking/coffee follows 11-11.30 and in the second part (11.30-1) the selected non-academic organisations will present their challenges (half an hour each).

Please follow our dedicated Facebook event which contains the detailed programme for the opening event. You can register there, through Eventbrite. The Eventbrite registration is also available below.

Address for the venue of the opening event: University of Cyprus, 1 Panepistimiou Avenue, Room B108, Council-Senate Building “Anastasios G. Leventis”, 2109 Aglantzia