The programme of the workshop is as follows:
- Selected companies/organisations present their challenge on the 1st day (half an hour).
- The researchers (mathematical scientists) self-organize into teams (one team formed per challenge) and go to their room.
- For the rest of the week the teams work intensively on the challenges.
- By the end of the week the teams identify a preliminary solution, and suggest a strategy for further collaborative work with the non-academic organisations. They present these results during the last day (half an hour each team).
Times: The 146th ESGI will start on Monday (3/12/18), 9am and will finish on Friday (7/12/18) 1.30pm.
Monday 3/12 9-1pm Opening event, 2-6 pm teamwork (9-9.30am registrations)
Tuesday 4/12: 9-6pm teamwork
Wednesday 5/12: 9-4pm teamwork, 4.30pm interim 5-minute presentations by each team and discussion between the teams, 7.30pm conference dinner
Thursday 6/12: 9-6pm teamwork
Friday 7/12, 9-11am teamwork, 11.30-1.30pm Final presentations by the teams-see Closing event
Plenary talk: Prof. Demetrios Papageorgiou, Chair of Applied Mathematics at Imperial College London, UK, Wednesday 5/12, 5-6pm (room to be announced)
Lunches are at 1pm and tea/coffee breaks at 11am and 4pm respectively
A more detailed programme will soon be available.
Within 3 months after the workshop a written report is prepared by each team, delivered to the company/organisation and uploaded on the international Study Group website.